In our lab, we aim to nurture a dynamic and vibrant community by uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and life experiences. We are committed to creating a culture where every voice is valued and every member feels a sense of belonging.
Scientific Principles: Be guided by microscopic beauty ¦ Be quantitative ¦ Be accountable & responsible for your data ¦ Be committed to Open Science
Team Dynamics: Voice your thoughts ¦ Be human, kind & understanding ¦ Empower each other
Master's students with an interest in microbial lifecycles and imaging will find exciting projects in the DudinLab. Our projects are interdisciplinary, incorporating techniques such as live-cell imaging, expansion microscopy, and biochemical approaches. If interested, please reach out to Omaya Dudin.
As we aim to build a community, we look for postdocs for their expertise and their long-term vision. We invite applications from competitive postdoctoral candidates with a background in cell, developmental, and evolutionary biology at any time. While we may occasionally have internal funding to support postdoctoral positions, candidates are highly encouraged to pursue external funding opportunities through organizations like EMBO, HFSP, MSCA, etc.
Interested candidates should submit a letter of motivation outlining their overall research interests, previous scientific accomplishments, and reasons for wanting to join our team, along with a CV & the contact information of three references to Omaya Dudin. It is expected that applicants have at least one first-author publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
We are always open to inquiries from prospective PhD students. We hire PhDs for their attitude rather than their expertise. Selections are conducted via the International PhD Program in Life Sciences within the Medicine and Science faculties: https://lifesciencesphd.unige.ch/
Department of Biochemistry, University of Geneva
Science II, 3rd Floor
30, quai Ernest-Ansermet
1211 Genève, Switzerland